Director General blong Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry & Biosecurity Timothy Tumukon, i officially welcome newfala Minister blong MALFB, Honorable Ian Wilson
Minister Wilson i appreciatem welcome gesture ia mo talem se bai hemi tekem ol fes week long office blong understandem good operations blong MALFB, then bai hemi issuem wan policy statement we bai hemi capturem plante 'samting' we hemi wantem luk i bearem result.
Minister Ian Wilson hemi wan cattle farmer by profession mo hemi firstime we hemi appointed wan state minister, since we hemi bin enterem parliament mo i bin stap olsem backbencher long ol past government.
Ol Directors blong Department blong Vanuatu Department of Agriculture & Rural Development, Acting Directors blong Department of Livestock Production and Animal Health Services, Department of Forests-Vanuatu mo Biosecurity Vanuatu Department oli present long welcome ceremony ia.