
Biosecurity plays an important role in the protection of the productive sector from incursions of pests and diseases which can reduce the availability of food.

In Vanuatu, it needs to be strengthened in order for Vanuatu to meet all international obligations and standards that enable trade to take place. Preparedness and response plans must be in place to address any incursions or outbreaks of pests and diseases.

Biosecurity Vanuatu works closely with other agencies, in particular the Customs Department and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

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Animal Health and Meat Hygiene Standards

The responsibility for ensuring that Vanuatu's animal health and meat hygiene standards are maintained, in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, and that importing countries specific hygiene standards are met, lies with the Vanuatu Government's Biosecurity Department.

Vanuatu needs to maintain its animal health status and export certification systems in order to improve its market access options. The stated policy aim is to ultimately be able to export Vanuatu beef to all the major import markets in the world.
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Border Protection

Biosecurity Vanuatu is mandated to protect our borders from incursions of pests and diseases into Vanuatu as well as manage pests and diseases already present. It does this through ensuring that risks posed by imports to local plants and animals are managed at an acceptable level and through disease surveillance and control programs for pests and diseases already present in the country.

In addition Biosecurity Vanuatu facilitates market access through assurance of pest and disease freedom and food safety. The department also ensures that Vanuatu maintains its obligations to such international organizations/conventions as IPPC and the OIE

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Plant health section aims to:

  • Facilitate market access of plant and plant products to overseas market
  • Keep and maintain a database of plant pests and diseases of Vanuatu
  • Maintain disease free status through regular surveillance
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